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Welcome to Spas Direct Tasmania 

Spas Direct is now one of Australia's Largest Spa Retailers selling over 5000 units each year in Australia.  As part of our continued commitment to providing high quality products at the lowest possible price and value, we are simplifying the shipping process for our Tasmanian Customers! 

Due to the economic pressures and factors outside of our control, traditional freight services to Tasmania from Melbourne have recently increased. Spas Direct is helping to ease this cost by shipping containers from Melbourne to Hobart, instead of the current single item freight service. 

This will reduce the costs to a fixed prepaid freight fee, and ensure that our Tasmanian customers are getting the best deal possible. Lead times may vary as a container will need to be filled with orders, prior for its departure from Melbourne. 

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, simply contact our friendly team on 1300 772 734. 

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